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we could tell how these ballances were made up.  When the head councilman wrote a letter to the late secretary asking for a statement, he received a most insulting reply. If such things can be done in a tribe where there are well educated Indians, many of whom speak the English language fluently, what sort of rascalities do you suppose are being transacted in the tribes where none of them speak English and no friends among the whites to aid them?

If I could have a talk with you, I could tell you a thousand other things of the transactions of
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this old ring of thieves, of their tricks and devices.  I have spent most of my life in fighting them, and I had hoped when Cleaveland was elected that every one of the rascals would be put out,  There is no lack of evidence to convict every one of them if one only goes to the right place to get it.  Let me ask in conclusion - Can we have a statement of accounts covering the last four years.  We  are not envious of our agent because he goes out of office reputed to be worth a hundred thousand dollars, when he came to us four years ago a poor man, but we want