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what is to become of the increasing number who are returning to the Reserve all the time. Is it a crime in me to try to induce the Government to allow trade and commerce and the industries of civilized life be established in an Indian Reserve? Is it a crime in me to endeavor to have these Indians put upon the same legal standard amenable to the same laws that all other persons are? These things and these only are what I have been advocating, and unless this is done your school and all the rest of them will be wrecks. Indian youth educated and turned loose upon a Reservation with nothing to do will create a state of affairs that you or no set of men can control. Western congressmen will bring such an influence to bear, and have so many facts to sustain them that there will be no stemming the tide. It is to save your work and that of other educators, that I have been discussing these matters in the way I have. 

My address for a short time will be 520 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N.J.
Yours truly,