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their services free of charge. All that is needed is some aid to pay other expenses. Mr Tibbles has letters from the Governor of Nebraska, from General Crook of the United States army, and from leading clergymen of all denominations. While the West has raised some funds for this purpose, and would if necessary pay all expenses, it has been deemed advisable to interest the East by laying the facts before its citizens. Otherwise parties interested in shutting the doors of justice against the Indians may charge that it is a matter of local concern and not one that affects the honor and humanity of the American people.

I hope that all will give Mr Tibbles a hearing, and through him a hearing to the helpless who cannot speak for themselves. His statements are full of interest, and all that he prays for is that their truth may be tested by the same trials that we demand for ourselves when we feel injured or oppressed

Horatio Seymour