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sent, and received, he made us the following propositions. (as we had stated if the president wanted our land, we would go to Washington and talk about.)  First, that he was ordered to take ten chiefs to visit the Indian territory, where we could select a new home, and he would give it to us, and give us money for our present home: and that the money for our journey would be furnished from the Sioux fund.

We got ready & started, wishing first to visit the Omaha Reserve, but this was not allowed us.  After some days we reached the country of the Osages, and looked over the country, and found
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We, the Ponca Chiefs, & Principal men of the tribe, desire to make the following statement of facts concerning ourselves in all good faith hoping it may come to the ears of the President of the United States, whom we are glad to learn is a good man, and anxious to do justice to all.

Sometime last month there came a man to our Reserve who said he was sent by the Great Father at Washington to make a treaty with us for our land.  We said the President was our friend and this was our home, but we would hear what he had to say, if he wanted our land. [[strikeout]]After some talk, and a telegram[[/strikeout]]

Transcription Notes:
It appears as if the right page was written first, and continued on the left page. The top third of the left page has multiple lines drawn through it, perhaps by accident. The writing on that page is noticeably messier than on the right page, though of the same hand.