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were preparing to go to work to sow and plant when
they were arrested and taken from us by soldiers without
any just cause or provocation that we, or they, know of.
Having learned with thankfulness that the good people
of Omaha, and the friends of humanity and justice
deeply sympathized with and enlisted in the cause
of these Poncas, we feel encouraged to appeal to you
for a continuance of your efforts in their behalf, until
their right to live [[inserted]] among their friends and brothers [[/inserted]] and enjoy the fruits of their labor is
restored to them.
Fire Chief          X   Standing Hawk  X
Yellow Smoke        X   Hardwalker     X
Gi he Ga            X   Shon ga skah   X
Paw nee sum puz zhe X   Du ba mo ni   X
Ta o Ka hah         X   Um pa tun ga   X
Mah ha wa ne        X   Mo wad da na   X
Wum ba du ba        X   Hog ga mo ni   X
Gah Ke a mo ni      X   Wah jep pa     X
Wah Ke da           X   Nah ha wa Kah  X
Mah pe a hay ga     X   La noo ga      X