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liberty or property without due 
process of law, nor deny to any 
[[underline]] person [[/underline]] the equal protection of
the laws."  Since the adoption 
of the Fourteenth Amendment, 
Congress has legislated for the 
purpose of executing its provisions. 
Re-enacting laws passed in 1870, 
the Revised Statutes now declare 
that "all [[underline]] persons [[/underline]] within the
jurisdiction of the United 
States shall have the same 
right in every State & Territory 
to make & enforce contracts, 
to sue, be parties, give evidence, 
& to the full & equal benefit 
of all laws & proceedings for 
the security of person & 
property, [[underline]] as enjoyed by white

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[[start page]]
citizens [[/underline]], & shall be subject 
to like punishment, pains, 
penalties, taxes, licenses & 
exactions of every kind, & to 
[[underline]] no other [[/underline]]"  (Section 1977)
The American Constitutional 
distinction between citizen & 
person under national law, & 
the rights which the nation 
guarantees to [[underline]] persons [[/underline]], however
humble, & of whatever race or 
color, are the Ithuriel Spear 
by which the Indian Ring, 
"squat-like a toad" at the 
ear of careless officials in 
Washington, as Satan once was 
seated at the ear of Eve, 
must be pierced through all 
its hideous disguises & made to

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