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Omaha Agency.  April 22[[superscript]]d[[/superscript]] 1879
Dear friends.

Some off these Omahas want me to write a letter to you in regard about our Poor Prisoners down there.

In first Place them Indians start from Indian Territory to here at our reserve that they want to live and want to become selfsupport but the government send some soldiers [[strikethrough]]of[[/strikethrough]] up here after them as a Prisoners but we wish you & all my friends to help them & send them back up here so they can go to work & be like a man like us this is all I can say.

Kah-ha-num-ber or Tavo Crow

2. Dear friends

I though Id write a few words in this letter in regard about our Prisoners they are some off our tribe we feel sorry about them but we would like you and all our friends to help them & send them back