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[[?O or 6.]] Reserve June 6th 1879

Convention met according to adjournment.  Yellow Smoke 
in the chair. After much discussion on the subject, 
the following resolution was adopted, and the following 
names were attached to it, at the request of the individuals themselves.

Resolved 4  That although we are poor ourselves, we are willing to share with our relations the Poncas, and hereby 
extend to them again, as we have done before, an invitation 
to make their home with us, and if they are not permitted 
to return to their own Reserve in Dakota, that they 
will be permitted at least to leave that sickly clime where 
they are now kept, by force, and return and live with 
us, and as an evidence of this willingness on our 
part we here sign our names.

Paine napa-zhe           Pashe dubos
Mathew Gyndall           Joseph LaFlesche
Ram-pa-wa-ne             Simpatanga
Ga-oka-ha                Richard Rush
Me-ga-ta                 Yellow Smoke ^[[checkmark]]
Frederick Merrick         Pa-da-ga-ha ^[[checkmark]]
Wa-ja-pa                  Silas Wood
George Merrick            Thio sling-ga
Du-ba-mame                Wa-ke-da
Ma-wa-da-ne               Mah-peahaga
Sin-de-haha               Resh na zhu wagre
Nam-be-du-ba              Ushida mane
Edward Esau               Petheneng-ce
Ma-ha-wara                Rinamba
Ta wa-ga-ha-sheng-ge      Che-she-moha
Ma-ze-keda                S-ru-ga-ha-ma-ne
Ga he du-ba               Janryemando
Frank LaFlesche           Mechah-pa-zheng-ga    

Transcription Notes:
names are hard to decipher and may not be completely accurate not sure the transcriptionist lined up the columns properly The columns are aligned when transcription viewed in the handwriting view over the transcription rather than side by side.