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[[marked - '200']][[underline]]Resolutions of the Omaha Presbytery
Pertaining to Indians' wants.[[/underline]]

[[underline]]Whereas[[/underline]] this presbytery of Omaha was the first organized religious body to take action in regard to the Indian's want of legal standing and the consequent fraud and robbery to which they are subjected, and

[[underline]]Whereas[[/underline]], that since that action, and, in some measure as the result of it, a humane sentiment has grown up in the land, and appropriation to schools have been made and many good projects for the elevation of the Indians have been conceived, and

[[underline]]Whereas[[/underline]] Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Tibbles went to the East eight years ago under our sanction to carry and spread our views, and

[[underline]]Whereas[[/underline]], they expect soon to go out again with the same laudable purpose of assisting the Red Men, particularly with a view to secure aid for building a church on the Omaha Reserve,

[[underline]]Therefore, Be it resolved[[/underline]], that we hereby reaffirm our cordial confidence in them and in the cause they represent; and would par-