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The undersigned a Committee of the Citizens of Boston, appointed to solicit funds in aid of the Ponca Indians having seen certain statements, sent from Washington through the daily press, insinuating that Mr. T.H. Tibbles of Omaha is prompted by mercenary motives in his Efforts in behalf of justice to the Indians, and knowing this to be wholly untrue, so far as it relates to Boston, we desire to say, that to our certain knowledge Mr. Tibbles has not received one cent of all the money subscribed in Boston. The absolute expenses of the party only having been paid by our Committee, the remainder left in the hands of our Treasurer Mr. Eben D. Jordan, has been forwarded to Rev. A. F. Sherril, Treasurer of the original Committee at Omaha.

Mr. Tibbles in our opinion is actuated solely by noble and disinterested motives.

Boston Dec, 4th 1879. [[signed]] Frederick O. Price
Henry Mason Chairman.
J. K. Lothrop[[?]]
John S Lockwood
Frank Wood
[[margin]] elliptical tag applied to the paper, marked "153" [[/margin]]
Attest. [[?23]]. W. Williams [[E V.?]]
Secretary of Committee