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Omaha Agency,Neb.,Dec. 15th., 1879.

To our friend Gray Coat:

From Pa-dhin nan-pa-zhi- My friend,You went away to work for us. Exert yourself. Be strong. We are ever thinking of you. We hope that you will be strong. My friend,if you acquire it, we ought to be able to live. I hope that I will stand firmly on this land and work. Indeed whatever things I may have,such as a house,I wish to hold securely.

Te-u-kan-ha says: My friend, This very day I write to you. As I am thinking of you I send to petition to you. I hope that GOD too will help us. I petition to all your friends,as many as they may be. I hope that every one will receive my prayer. And only in case the do recieve it will I be apt to live. O friend,even if you are very late,I hope you will make them strong. We send you some names.

We all pray to you. Only in case you succeed,can I work in this land. A firm paperI wish to hold very soon,only in that case will I be apt to improve. As you walk working for us,GOD sees you. He loves you;and we too love you:because you wish something good for us-you wish us to live. I hope that the people whom you tell will not give me back even one bad word. So I petition them.

Te-u-kan-ha^[[,]] Pa-dhin nan-pa-zhi^[[,]] [[underlined]] Du-ba man-dhin^[[,]] [[/underlined]] Tan-wan-ga-ghe zhi^[[ñ-]]ga^[[,]] Ka-ghe dhan-ba^[[,]] An-pan tan-ga^[[,]] [[underlined]] Wa-je-pa^[[,]] [[/underlined]] Sin-de ghan-ghan^[[,]] Min-gha-ta^[[,]] Khi-dha ga-hi-ge^[[,]] Frederick Merrick^[[,]] Ma-ghe-wa-dhe^[[,]] Ma-zi-ki-de^[[,]] Matthew Tyndall^[[,]] Ma-wa-dan-dhin^[[,]] Shiu-zhin-ga^[[,]] Ba-zan nan-ge, Sr. Bazan nange, Jr.^[[,]] Han-dan man-dhin^[[,]] Nan-be du-ba^[[,]] Ma-shtin an-sa^[[,]] Ha-ga man-dhin^[[,]] G-an-ze dhin-ge^[[,]] Wa-zhin an-ba^[[,]] Te-a-khdha^[[,]] He-ka-dhan^[[,]] Gi-ha-zhi, Man-ga-a-zhi, U-ki-pa-tan, Han-ga-khti, Kha-de-ba,nan,

Transcription Notes:
The Spanish "? is handwritten as are the [[commas]]. Frederick Merrick's Omaha name was Siko[[superscrpt "n" and accent mark "'"]] xega. Matthew Tyndall's (or Tyndal"s) Omaha name was Hi' Daha. [from Great Plains Research Vol. 4 No.2, 1994, ?Make-Believe White-Men? and the Omaha Land Allotments of 1871-1900.