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And when we become citizens, we wish to keep our own land, Therefore we wish to become citizens.  I wish to tell you all that is hard for us.  My friend, White people, Americans, those who have seen the Indians and know them; When they tell you anything, they tell you straight.  But those who have not seen us at all, Say" Indians are bad.  Or when they have talked a little with them, they tell" How very bad the Indians are.  And my friend, we hope that you all will open your hearts and think of God, and have pity on us Indians.  For by night and by day we are in constant dread of some unseen evil.  My friend, again [[strikethrough]]in[[/strikethrough]] another matter in a very few words I wish to speak about.  You have said, You are to have White soldiers for agents.  But we know the soldiers, We know them, so we fear them.  We do-not want them, and all the Indians do-not want the soldiers, and from the days