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of the [[?former or ?farmer]] Indians, we have had them for agents, so we know them.  They ^[[act]] as if they were the only human beings, and what-ever Indian woman they wish to dishonor, without taking her at all for a wife, They dishonor her.  And they treat us just as if, we were hogs and dogs.  There-fore we do not want them.  The Indians are not the first to do what is bad.  The soldiers, although they are the first, cover up their own bad deeds, and having covered up their own, They show to the *Great Father, the bad deed of an Indian.  And although, I shall repeat something, Still I will say it again.  The Indians called Sioux,hate us Indians, who, having sold our lands to the Great Father, are now farming, and again, you think that [[strikethrough]]Indians are all[[/strikethough]] ^[[all the Indians are]] alike; but we are not alike.  Some desire to be on the side of the white people, and some who are called Sioux are not so.  And yet you
