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whether they are susceptible of civilization
 Rochr vs Washington 19 Jud-56

Contrast for a moment the report product of our [[modern?]]-day civilization, Prof Aggassiz whose every fiber, intellectual, moral and physical had its fullest development. A man with culture as broad and liberal as the easing air, A man ^[[with]] brains running over at his finger tips, a man whose mind, whose heart, whose soul, whose every faculty, whose whole organization had been trained to become the ready servant of his will. Contrast such a man with Spotted Tail the ablest representative of the Indian race. Notice the difference in dress, glance at the stolid countenance of the one and the face of the other beaming with intellectual light. Dive down into the dark and troubled depths of the Indian nature and take an inventory of the low instincts, grovelling propensities and wicked designs of the one and contrast them with the great thoughts lofty ideas and noble purposes of the other and we perceive as wide a divergence between the Indian Chieftain and the cultured american as exists between the lowest  Indian and the African Chimpanzee.
   Take another illustration. Call to mind the modern woman of society a woman nobly planned
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