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courts the appeal must be direct to the government.

 See Sec. 2120-2154-2155-2156 Revised Statutes. The relation of the Indians to the United States is very peculiar resembling that of guardian and ward. They are partially under our protection in a measure dependant upon us and yet we have recognized to a great extent that they are apart from us separate and independent.
  No argument can be drawn against the sovereignty of these Indian Nations because they put themselves and their lands under our protection , such a fact is of frequent occurrence between independent nations
   Vattal B1- Ch 16 See 194.

One community though bound to another by an unequal alliance may still be a sovereign state. To show how far the Indians are from being subject to our laws a quote from Chancellor Kent; "Do our laws [[?]] at this day permit these Indians to participate equally with us in our civil and political privileges? Do they vote at our elections or are they represented in our legislatures, or have they any concern as jurors or magistrates in the administration of Justice? Are they on the other hand charged with the duties and burthens of citizens? Do they pay taxes, or serve in the militia, or are they required