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to take a share in any of the details of our local institutions? Do we interfere with the disposition, or descent, or tenure of their property as between themselves? Do we prove their wills or grant letters of administration upon their intestate estates? Do our Sunday laws, our school laws, our poor laws, our laws concerning infants, lunatics or habitual drunkards apply to them? Are they subject to our laws or the laws of the United States against high treason, and do we treat and punish them as traitors instead of public enemies when they make war upon us? Are they subject to our laws of marriage and divorce, and would we sustain a criminal charge for bigamy if they should change their wives or husbands at pleasure, and according to their own customs contract new matrimonial alliances? I apprehend that every one of these questions must be answered in the negative, and that on all these points they are to be regarded as dependent allies and alien communities."

Says Judge Dillon, speaking of the Pawnee Indians in this state"-They are already in the midst of a white population, but do not enjoy any of the political or many of the civil rights of the latter"

United States vs Yellow Sun/Bill 271-