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following described fractional township, to wit; township (31) thirty-one north, range (7) seven west; also fractional township (32) thirty-two north, ranges (6) six, (7) seven, (8) eight, (9) nine and ten west, also fractional township (33) thirty-three north, ranges (7) seven and (8) eight west and also all that portion of township (33) thirty-three north, ranges (9) nine and (10) ten west, lying South of Ponca Creek; and also all the islands in the Niobrara or Running Water river, lying in front of lands or townships above ceded by the United States to the Ponca tribe of Indians.

By the second article of the treaty with the different tribes of Sioux Indians, of April 29, et seq 1868, proclaimed February 24, 1869 (15 Stat. 635), the following described tract of country, viz.: commencing on the east bank of the Missouri River where the forty-sixth parallel of north latitude crosses the same; thence along low water mark down said east bank to a point opposite where the line of the State of Nebraska strikes the river; thence west across said river and along the northern line of Nebraska to the one hundred and fourth degree of longitude west from Greenwich; thence North on said meridian to a point where the forty sixth parallel of north latitude intercepts the same; thence due west along said parallel to the place of beginning; and in addition
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