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December 13, 1968

Germaine Seligman
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York

Dear Germaine,

It is indeed ages since I have seen you, but as you know, health now makes visits to New York out of the question and I therefore have to depend upon the kindness of friends like yourself to let me know how they are and what they are doing.  It was a great pleasure therefore to receive the catalogue of your last exhibition of drawings, which, as always, was most distinguished, with some most surprising and interesting examples of various masters.  How and where you were able to find them is a mystery, but you have a wonderful eye and a fabulous memory.

You may be interested to know that my eldest son who is a plastic surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital is much interested in drawings, and occasionally buys one, primarily to hang on his wall, for he is not a collector of the storage box type.  I wonder if it would be possible, when you have a notice of an exhibition, to have a copy sent to him, as he keeps an active eye on what is happening in New York and elsewhere. His address is

Dr. John D. Constable
177 Coolidge Hill Road
Cambridge, Massachusetts  02138

Warmest remembrances and every kind of good wish,

Yours sincerely,

[[handwritten]] WG. [[/handwritten]]
W. G. Constable
