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32 East 57th Street, New York

Tel: Plaza 5-9320
Cable: Buchvalent

March 3, 1943

Mr. Germain Seligmann
5 East 57th Street
New York City

Dear Mr. Seligmann:

Thank you very much for your note and here is my check.

The drawing is a study for a painting entitled "Two Nudes", which is reproduced in the Picasso catalogue of the Museum of Modern Art (1939), under the number 67.  The painting is described as follows:

Two Nudes, Paris 1906, Oil, 59 3/4 x 
36 7/8 inches, ^[[(]] Rosenberg and Helft, Ltd.[[)]]

Very sincerely yours,
[[signed]]  Curt Valentin [[/signed]] 
Curt Valentin