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32 East 57th Street, New York 22, N.Y.

Tel: Plaza 5-9320
Cable: Buchvalent

October 17, 1946

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Company
Five East 57th Street
New York 22, N. Y.

Dear Germain:

I would like to say again how much I admired your exhibition and many thanks to both of you for asking me to your charming party.

Would you be kind enough to send a copy of your catalogue to [[underlined]] Henri Kahnweiler [[/underlined]], c/o Galerie Louise Leiris, 29 bis Rue d'Astorg, Paris, VIII. Also, if you can spare a copy, to [[underlined]] Douglas Cooper [[/underlined]], 17 Cranmer Court, Sloane Avenue, London, S. W. He would appreciate it.

As ever,


[[signed]] CV [[/signed]] 
