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^[[ [[underlined]] Korea [[/underlined]] ]]
^[[SP A-1 ?]]

[[stamped]] RECEIVED
JAN [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]^[[3]] 

National Science Museum
Seoul, Korea

December 23,1966 

Dr. Helmut K. Buechner
Assistant Director for Ecology
Office of Director
Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution
Washington D.C 20560

Dear Dr. Buechner:

Your kind cooperation for development of the Korean National Science Museum is appreciated very much.

I am happy to attach for your information the progress being made since I have written you 26 October, 1966.

I look forward to your continued assistance for the development of the project.


[[signed]] Choi Nak [[/signed]]
Choi Nak Koo

Transcription Notes:
The date of the letter is partially obscured by the stamp marking it as received by the Office of Ecology on Jan 3, 1967.