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December 20, 1966

Joseph Allen Patterson
Director, American Association of Museum
Headquarters at 2306 Massachusetts Avenue,
N.W. , Washington, D.C. 20008 HUdson 3-3381

Dear Dr. Patterson:

Thank you very much for your letter dated November 30, 1966. I also like to extend my sincere gratitude to your kind cooperation in the progress of development of the Korean National Science Museum.

I am very happy to let you know progress of the plan developed here since I wrote on December 6, 1966.

1. The Minister of Education has received a cable from the Korean Ambassador to the United State on the development of the plan and is sending his letters to the USOM and Asia Foundation requesting their support.

2. Preliminary discussion on the financial support of the Korean Government from Contigency Fund 1967, at the Vice-Minister's meeting indicates that the government's support for the plan is optimistic.

3. On December 14,1966 The planning committee meeting was held and Dr. Kan Yong Sun was elected as Chariman of the committee.

4. Detail of the committee

a. The committee will consist of three sub-committees
(1)Sub-committee on Science Education
(2)Sub-committee on Science Extension Services
(3)Sub-committee on Natural Science

b.Each sub-committee will have;
(1)4 professors who will serve as part time consultant,
(2)at least one specialist who will serve on full time basis, and
(3)some part time specialists (numbers will be decided according to the budget)

c. Allowances for planning committee numbers and full time specialists should be paid and in order to pay adaquate amount to the numbers,a considerable amount of supplementary fund will be required since the government allowances are not realistics.

5. This museum is trying to provide an office space for you.

I sincerely hope you come to Korea at the earliest possible time and held expedite the development of the plan. Please advice us your arrival time.

I and the staff of this museum wish you merry Christmas and a happy new year.


Choi Nak Koo