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Dr. Buechner (cont.)

I have made an estimate of my expenses for my trip to Korea including those of my wife and son.  By assuming I recieve all the fund appropriated for my trip my minimum expenses will far exceed the fund appropriate by paying the transportation for my wife and son from this fund and using minimum expenses in Korea.  I will not have much working [[strikethrough]] extra [[/strikethrough]]  fund for my work in Korea.  I have not realized how much expenses I should have to have in this trip.  If I must pay expenses for my wife and son's transportation, I will have about 600.00 dollars in red from this trip when I return.  As the present condition I can not afford to add my financial debts of $600.00. In other word to get a supplementary fund for transportation is a "MUST" matter.  I will have to get a supplementary fund from "somewhere".  I hope you will join me to my efforts of getting a supplementary fund.  This is very important.  If I knew of this expense, I might have reconsidered my trip to Korea with my family.

My tentative schedule is as follows:
[[strikethrough paragraph]]
Dec. 25 (Sun.) 3:00 PM -- Leave St. Paul
Dec. 25 (Sun.) 4:23 PM -- Arrive Seattle
Dec. 25 (Sun.) 6:00 PM -- Leave Seattle
Dec. 27 (Tue.) 9:10 PM -- Tokyo arriving
Dec. 28 (Wed.) all day -- staying in Tokyo
Dec. 29 (Thu.) 10:30 AM - Leave Tokyo
Dec. 29 (Thu.) 12:45 PM - Arrive Seoul
[[/strikethrough paragraph]]
^[[new schedule]]

If you do not have any objection, I would like to have this iterinary approved.  When you buy my ticket, you will have to consider that I will have to buy tickets for my wife and son along with my ticket.
With my best wishes.

Sincerely yours,

[[signed]] Ke Chung Kim [[/signed]]
Ke Chung Kim