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page 2

Dr. Ke Chung Kim will submit invoices for payments to the Fiscal Division, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., through the Office of Ecology.

[[underlined]] REPORTS: [[/underlined]]

Only a final report ^[[is required]]^[[, which is]] to be submitted not later than 1 June 1967^[[.]]

[[underlined]] INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: [[/underlined]]

The above schedule of payments shall be authorized after submission of a proposed plan of operation in Korea and the final report and acceptance thereof by the Head of the Office of Ecology.

^[[Rights and]] [[underlined]] DATA: [[/underlined]] ^[[Clause]]

The Contractor, Dr. Kim, agrees and does hereby grant to the Smithsonian Institution and its officers, agents, and employees acting within the scope of their official duties, a royalty-free non-exclusive and irrevocable license throughout the world for Smithsonian Institution purposes to publish, translate, reproduce, deliver, perform, dispose of, and to authorize others so to do, all material now or hereafter [[underlined]] covered by copyright [[/underlined]] [[marginal note]] Not clear to me. HKB![[/marginal note]] and not originated in the performance of this contract, such license shall be only to the extent that the Contractor, his employees, or any individual or concern specifically employed or assigned by the Contractor to originate and prepare such material under this contract, now has, or prior to completion of final settlement of this contract may acquire, the right to grant such license without becoming liable to pay compensation to others solely because of such grant. However, the Contractor shall [[marginal note]] ^[[?]] [[/marginal note]] make reasonable efforts to acquire such license without payment therefor. [[double underlined]] [CONSULT MR. BARWICH ON THIS MATTER] [[/double underlined]]

^[[Use complete data clause]]

Transcription Notes:
the circled words "is required" is shown with an arrow putting it near the beginning of the sentence so that it reads "Only a final report is required, which is to be submitted not later than 1 June 1967."