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^[[SP A-1]]

H.K. Buechner
4 October 1966

Dr. Ke Chung Kim:

Round trip economy fare Minneapolis to Seoul, Korea - $990.00

Salary for 1 month - 700.00

Per Diem $14 per day for 30 days - 420.00

Misc. expenses (taxis, telephone, cables, and secretarial services) - 200.00

Dates: 1-30 April 1967

The purpose of this contract is to serve as a consultant to the Smithsonian Institution to (1) determine the potential role of the cooperative program of research in ecosystem ecology between the Smithsonian Institution and Seoul University in the long-range development of a national science program of significance to the management of natural resources in the economy of Korea and (2) provide recommendations on the organizational structure for implementing an effective research and educational structure for implementing an effective research and educational program over a period of 25 years in ecosystem ecology in Korea.

Dr. Kim agrees to provide a report for the Smithsonian Institution by 15 June 1967.