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Also, plans for future changes which would have an impact on parking development potential would be reviewed. Environmental considerations would be reviewed in concert with changing community values and existing and proposed regulations relating to parking development.

The parking development program, presented in the 1971 report, would be reviewed and revised to recognize the opportunities and constraints imposed by the site and other physical and environmental considerations. Whereas the 1971 report presented and analyzed two alternative development strategies, the work envisioned herein would be restricted to a single development strategy. We would expect to consult closely with the Smithsonian Institution to select the preferred strategy before formulating functional plans and preparing cost and income projections.

A functional plan would be prepared depicting the recommended development program. These plans would show the number and arrangement of parking levels and spaces, ingress and egress facilities, pedestrian features, and other pertinent considerations. Such plans would not include construction details nor specifications.

[[underline]] Financial Feasibility Analysis [[/underline]] - The economic feasibility of implementing the recommended immediate development program would be established. This study phase would include development cost estimates, parking usage and revenue forecasts, and estimates of operating costs and net income. By relating potential revenues to program costs, the feasibility of recovering development costs and operating expenses from user revenues would be established.

This study phase would evaluate alternative mechanisms for developing and operating the proposed parking, including public, private, and joint development strategies.

[[underline]] Report [[/underline]] - Following completion of all studies and analyses, ten (10) copies of a detailed technical report of the study findings and recommendations would be prepared and submitted. The report would be documented with pertinent tabulations and illustrations.

[[underline]] Schedule and Fee [[/underline]]

Wilbur Smith and Associates has the professional staff available for immediate assignment to this project, and would begin work upon receipt of notification of acceptance of this proposal and authorization to proceed with the work. The work
