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[[underline]] National Museum Act [[/underline]]

The authorization of appropriations for the National Museum Act will expire at the end of fiscal year 1977 and it is proposed that authority for further appropriations be sought.

Since its founding in 1846 the Smithsonian Institution, as custodian of the national collections, has endeavored, within the limits of its resources, to be responsive to the needs of other museums.  In the early days these efforts consisted of exchanges of information and publications and in more recent times have included short-term training of museum professionals, consultation services on specific problems, and small grants for special studies.

The National Museum Act of 1966 reaffirmed the Smithsonian's traditional role of assisting museums with specific reference to the continuing study of museum problems and opportunities; training in museum practices; the preparation of museum publications; research in museum techniques; and cooperation with agencies of the Government concerned with museums.

In 1970 legislation providing for a three-year extension of National Museum Art funding was approved.  The extension