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[[line across page]]

[[begin six column table]]

--->|   | Bud. Transition Qtr. | Projected FY 1976 | Actual FY 1975 | Actual FY 1974 | Actual FY 1973 |
[[line across page]]
--->| Income - Investment | $ 258 | $ 1,100 | $ 950 | $ 744 | $ 436 |
--->| - Gifts | 7 | 60 | 46 | 151 | 33 |
--->| - Concessions & Misc. | 435 | 675 | 228 | 284 | 374 |
--->| Total Income | 700 | 1,835 | 1,224 | 1,179 | 843 |

--->| Revenue Producing Activities |   |   |   |   |   |
--->| Gross Revenue | 7,291 | 24,748 | 18,802 | 12,735 | 8,476 |
--->| Less Costs and Expenses | 6,561 | 21,843 | 16,494 | 10,965 | 8,272 |
--->| Total Act. Gain (Loss) | 730 | 2,905 | 2,308 | 1,770 | 204 |

--->| Expenditures |   |   |   |   |   |
--->| Admin. Exp/Allotments | 1,494 | 5,503 | 4,951 | 4,187 | 3,193 |
--->| Less Adm. O/H recovery | 1,125 | 4,475 | 3,644 | 3,345 | 2,772 |
--->| Net Adm. Expense | 369 | 1,028 | 1,307 | 842 | 421 |
--->| Net Gain Bef. Rev. Sharing | 1,061 | 3,712 | 2,225 | 2,107 | 626 |
--->| Revenue Sharing - Int. & Act. | 128 | 491 | 416 | 98 | 83 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) before Trans. | 933 | 3,221 | 1,809 | 2,009 | 543 |
--->| Transfers - To Plant Funds | 518 | 2,570 | 97 | 1,134 | - |
--->| - To Endow. Funds | 400 | 600 | 1,422 | 100 | - |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) after Trans. | 15 | 51 | 290 | 775 | 543 |
--->| Ending Fund Balance | 3,833 | 3,818 | 3,767 | 3,477** | 2,292** |


--->| Magazine - Income | 4,000 | 14,505 | 10,816 | 7,127 | 4,731 |
--->| Expenses | 3,250 | 11,705 | 8,895 | 5,800 | 4,401 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | 750 | 2,800 | 1,921 | 1,327 | 4,401 |

--->| Associates - Gifts | 40 | 195 | 145 | 260 | 157 |
--->| Other Income | 925 | 4,323 | 2,749 | 1,778 | 1,104 |
--->| Total Income | 965 | 4,518 | 2,894 | 2,038 | 1,261 |
--->| Expenses | 1,008 | 4,558 | 2,847 | 1,775 | 1,304 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | (43) | (40) | 47 | 263 | (43) |

--->| Shops - Income | 1,545 | 3,700 | 3,221 | 2,141 | 1,622 |
--->| Expenses | 1,470 | 3,650 | 2,804 | 1,915 | 1,575 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | 75 | 50 | 417 | 226 | 47 |

--->| Press - Income | 50 | 165 | 265 | 111 | 81 |
--->| Expenses | 80 | 300 | 361 | 200 | 190 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | (30) | (135) | (96) | (89) | (109) |

--->| Performing Arts - Income | 500 | 650 | 479 | 597 | 205 |
--->| Expenses | 500 | 750 | 558 | 493 | 270 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | - | (100) | (79) | 104 | (65) |

--->| Product Devel. - Income | 50 | 560 | 302 | 107 | 118 |
--->| Expenses | 30 | 110 | 84 | 70 | 15 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | 20 | 450 | 218 | 37 | 103 |

--->| Other* - Income | 181 | 650 | 825 | 614 | 458 |
--->| Expenses | 223 | 770 | 945 | 712 | 517 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | (42) | (120) | (120) | (98) | (59) |

--->| Total Activities - Income | 7,291 | 24,748 | 18,802 | 12,735 | 8,476 |
--->| Expenses | 6,561 | 21,843 | 16,494 | 10,965 | 8,272 |
--->| Net Gain (Loss) | 730 | 2,905 | 2,308 | 1,770 | 204 |

*This includes SITES, Belmont, Photo Services, Commons, and Television Programs.
**Adj. to reflect reclassification to plant funds of $32,000 in FY 1974 and $410,000 reclassification from Plant Funds to Current Funds in FY 1975.

Transcription Notes:
I followed the transcription guidelines for making a table, but added the following at the beginning of each line [[--->]] to help differentiate between lines as there is a ton of information. In addition, I omitted formatting such as [[underline]] to help "clean up" the transcription.