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JAN 15 1884
Smithsonian Institution

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United States National Museum
Under Direction of 
The Smithsonian Institution

January 10, 1884

Professor Spencer F. Baird,
Secretary Smithsonian Institution
and Director U.S. National Museum


In compliance with instructions received through the Assistant Director, I have the honor to submit herewith a report upon work done during the year 1883, ^[[in the Department of Birds.]]
I. [[underlined]] Accessions to the Bird Collection. [[/underlined]]

The accessions to the collection of birds during the year 1883 number 134, including all that were entered in the museum register during the year.*

* Some accessions entered during January 1883 were in reality received in the latter part of 1882; while other specimens received in December 1883 were not entered until January, 1884. These are not included in the above statement, as is likewise the case with specimens which have lost their labels and been reentered and a few others which, although in the collection for a number of years past appear never to have been entered.