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[[triple-underline]]James A. K. Moore[[/triple-underline]]. – One egg of Great Horned Owl from Loudoun Co.,  Virginia.

[[triple-underline]]R. Ridgway[[/triple-underline]] (Curator Department of Birds). – Three accessions, as follows: (1) 11 specimens, 8 species, from Wheatland, Indiana; (2) 34 specimens, 15 species, from Richland Co., Illinois; (3) One egg of Carolina Parakeet ([[underline]]Conurus carolinensis[[/underline]]), laid in confinement. (S. I.)

[[triple-underline]]Ernest E. T. Seton[[/triple-underline]]. – 16 specimens, 15 species, from Manitoba; including nests and eggs of [[underline]]Oporornis agilis[[/underline]], the first discovered. ([[underline]]Gift[[/underline]]).

[[triple-underline]]Livingston Stone[[/triple-underline]]. – Acc. 12709. 42 specimens, 19 species, nests and eggs, from McCloud R., Northern California.

[[triple-underline]]Chas. H. Townsend[[/triple-underline]]. – 42 specimens, 18 species, from Shasta Co., California.

[[triple-underline]]Mrs. Mary E. Turner[[/triple-underline]]. – Nest and complement of 11 eggs of Bewick's Wren ([[underline]]Thryomanes bewicki[[/underline]], from Mount Carmel, Ills.

Transcription Notes:
All of the donors' names are double underlined. Only the capital letters in the names are triple underlined.