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5. [[wavy underline]]Number of Specimens in the Collection[[/wavy underline]].

It is impossible to give at the present time an exact statement of the number of specimens in the several series of the collection, which would require a special inventory. The exact total can, however, be ascertained by simply adding to that existing at the end of the year 1882, the total number of specimens catalogued in 1883, and subtracting therefrom those distributed. This gives a total of 47,246 specimens to December 31st, 1883. An approximately correct estimate of the number of specimens in the several series gives the following result.

[[2-column table]]
In reserve skin series | 28,246 specimens.
On exhibition | 6000 "[[ditto for: specimens.]]
Duplicates | [[underline]]13,000[[/underline]] "[[ditto for: specimens.]]
Total | 47,246 "[[ditto for: specimens.]]
[[/2-column table]]

6. [[wavy underline]]Desiderata[[/wavy underline]].

Since the publication of the "List of Species of Middle and South American Birds not contained in the United States