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National Museum", in December, 1881*, more than two hundred species of Neotropical birds have been added to the collection, by far the larger number of additions being the direct result of the judicious distribution of the list in question. The greater number of these additional species have been furnished by Messrs. Salvin and Godman, in England, and Count von Berlepsch, in Germany; but Mr. Geo. N. Lawrence, of New York City, has contributed several of the desiderata. We have already the promise of nearly the same number of species still remaining on our list of desiderata, from the gentlemen named above. The great utility of these lists is therefore apparent; and I would suggest, as the best means of still further reducing the number of desiderata of the museum, that special lists of the most desirable species of those countries in Tropical America from which we possess fewest species be drawn up; these lists to be sent to the governments of those countries with a request for their assistance in obtaining the species wanted.


*"Proceedings" U. S. National Museum, Vol. 3, pp. 165-203.