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up the space with the proper requirements of an office. This would, I think, be better, all things considered, than to locate the office of the curator in one of the new rooms of the East Wing. The objection to the one that has been suggested as possibly available for the purpose is that it is, by itself, too small, and also too far removed from the collections.

(4). New cases for the exhibition collection are very urgently needed. The cases now in use are wholly unsuitable; not one of them but what admits the free ingress of dust and insects, thus not only causing a rapid deterioration of the valuable specimens contained therein, but also imperiling their safety. Besides, it is quite impossible to arrange the specimens without them so that they can be seen to advantage. What is needed is, cases (not necessarily of costly construction) which will admit of the easy adjustment of shelves at any desired height, and only wide enough to admit of a single row of specimens - each case being divided longitudinally by a median vertical septum, or partition.

(5). The proper labeling of the exhibition collection is a matter most urgently demanded by the public, and