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should be done at the earliest practicable moment. The curator recommends that the suggestion made to him by the Assistant Director be adopted, viz. (1) That there be printed for each species a "species label" of suitable size and color, on which shall be printed in clear type the vernacular and scientific names (the former in larger type), the principal synonymy, which shall embrace references to the works of Wilson, Audubon, and other leading authorities, and a condensed habitat or geographical range of the species. Also, in the case of [[strikethrough]]the[[/strikethrough]] noteworthy species, such as the Canvas-back Duck, Bob-o-link (or Reed Bird), Sora Rail, etc., brief explanation of the leading characteristics, or other facts of interest to the general public. This species label to precede the row of specimens to which it pertains. (2) That each specimen be provided with a smaller label (as inconspicuous as is consistent with easy reference), giving the essential history of the specimen in question; [[underline]]i.e.[[/underline]]: the locality and date of capture, sex and age, name of collector and donor, and whether donated, purchased, or received in exchange.