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[[stamp]]S 22701[[/stamp]]

the identification of specimens of birds from Bering Island and neighboring coast of Kamtschatka, collected by Dr. Stejneger, the result, thus far, being the determination of four species as new, viz., a [[underline]]Haliaƫtus[[/underline]], an [[underline]]Anorthura[[/underline]], a [[underline]]Locustella[[/underline]], and a [[underline]]Hirundo[[/underline]].  The indications ^[[at present]] are that one, and possibly two, species of [[underline]]Anthus[[/underline]] will also prove undescribed.

Five cases in the Northwest gallery of the lower hall in the Smithsonian building have been fitted with new shelves, for the unarranged portion of the exhibition series, but the shelves have not yet been tinted, the arrangement of the specimens being therefore necessarily delayed.

In the West basement, a partition has been built across the Northeast corner of the bird-compartment, for the thorough isolation and better security of the collections stored therein.

Very respectfully, your Obedient Servant

Robert Ridgway.

Curator Department of Birds, U. S. National Museum.