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is accompanied by a printed pamphlet of 46 pages, octavo, entitled "Catalogue of the Aquatic and Fish-eating Birds exhibited by the United States National Museum," prepared by the Curator of the Department of Birds. This catalogue includes all the North American water-birds known to date, with the range of each indicated according to the latest information on the subject, and also a full list of the specimens exhibited, with museum register number, locality, date of capture, name of collector, and other pertinent data.

The principal accessions to the bird-collection for the month of April were as follows:-

(1) [[underline]]From L. Belding[[/underline]]: 10 specimens (8 species) from Guaymas, Sonora, and 47 specimens (26 species) from Lower California.

(2) [[underline]]From N. S. Goss[[/underline]]: 37 specimens (36 species) from Guatemala.

The assistants of the department, besides attending