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[[stamped]] S 27573 [[/stamped]]

There have been delivered to the editor of the "Proceedings" of the Museum, for publication therein, the following papers:- 

(1). "Second Catalogue of a Collection of Birds made near the Southern extremity of Lower California. By L. Belding. (Edited by R. Ridgway.) Pp. 22, handed in June 29th.

(2). "List of Birds found at Guaymas, Sonora, in December, 1882 and April, 1883. By L. Belding. (Edited by R. Ridgway.)

Besides these there has been sent, by special request of one of the editors of [[underline]]The Ibis[[/underline]], for publication in that journal, a paper entitled "Notes on some very rare species of Neotropical Birds", the same being based upon unique type specimens very generously loaned by Mr. Sclater, to the Department of Birds of the U.S. National Museum.

I have The honor to be

Very respectfully, your Obedient Servant,

Robert Ridgway.
Curator, Department of Birds.  

Transcription Notes:
a symbol next to the numbers that cannot be made out Later transcriber: it's an S, seen on many other pages.