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(2). P. L. Jouy: 17 specimens, 12 species, from Japan.

[[underline]]b. Distribution of specimens[[/underline]].

The total number of specimens distributed during the month, is 18, of which all but one were loaned for examination.

[[underline]]c. Packages sent out[[/underline]].

The number of packages sent out by the Department of Birds is 7, as follows:-

[[underline]]By express[[/underline]]:- July 13. Wm. Brewster, Cambridge, Mass: 10 skins of gulls for examination. [[underline]]By mail[[/underline]]:- July 6. H. K. Coale, Chicago: 1 skin of Bewick's Wren, exchange. July 10. Geo. N. Lawrence, New York: Specimens borrowed and returned. July 13. N. S. Goss, Topeka, Kansas: 3 skins of Flycatchers for examination. July 23. D. D. Stone, Hancock, Col.: 1 skin of [[underline]]Empidonax difficilis[[/underline]], returned to owner; H. K. Coale, Chicago: 1 bird skin returned to owner. July 27. Professor Spencer F. Baird, Wood's Holl, Mass.: 4 skins Japanese birds for examination.

Transcription Notes:
"Wood's Holl" is the historic name for what we now all "Wood's Hole".