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[[underline]]d. Minor routine business[[/underline]].

The number of official letters written during the month is 22.

" " " " [[ditto for: The number of official]] memoranda " " " " " [[ditto for: written during the month is]] 27.

" " " [[ditto for: The number of]] "memoranda of packing" " " " " [[ditto for: during the month is]] 7.

" " " [[ditto for: The number of]] orders for work " " " " [[ditto for: during the month is]] 14.

" " " [[ditto for: The number of]] requisitions for supplies " " " " [[ditto for: during the month is]] 18.

[[underline]]e. Papers submitted for publication[[/underline]].

Three papers for publication in the "Proceedings" have been submitted to the editor, as follows:-

(1) Ornithological Notes on Collections made in Japan, June to December, 1882. By Pierre Louis Jouy. Pp., MSS., 110, handed in July 21st. (This paper revised and arranged, at the author's request, by the Curator of the Department of Birds.)

(2). Notes on some Japanese Birds related to North American species. By R. Ridgway. Pp., MSS., 7, handed in July 21.

(3). On a Collection of Birds from Nicaragua. By Chas. C. Nutting. Edited by R. Ridgway. Pp., MSS., 144, handed in July 28th.

[[underline]]f. Proof corrected[[/underline]]. (None).

[[underline]]g. Specimens mounted for Exhibition Series[[/underline]].

The number of specimens mounted for the exhibition series during July is 27, most of them being large birds, including the type of [[underline]]Haliaƫtus hypoleucus[[/underline]], Pelican, Wood Ibis,