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(2.) "On some Costa Rican birds, with descriptions of several supposed New species". Pp. 10 handed in Aug. 3rd. (New species described are as follows: 1, [[underline]]Carpodectes antoniaē[[/underline]] Zeledon, US., Lanio leucothorax nigricrissus, [[underline]]Empidonax viridescens[[/underline]], [[underline]]Pittasonia michleri zeledoni[[/underline]].)

[[underline]]Proof Corrected[[/underline]].
Aug. 13. – 1/2 galley, report of curator in annual report of Assistant Director.

Aug. 31. – 1 1/5 galleys list of papers by curator, in Assistant Director's report for 1882.

[[underline]]Specimens mounted for exhibition series[[/underline]].
The number of specimens mounted during August is 33, including several large birds (Pelican, Albatross, etc.), and a number of fine species from Japan.

[[underline]]Work of assistants[[/underline]].

By official order, John L. Ridgway has been engaged in making outline drawings for Dr. Yarrow, curator of the department of reptiles. Mr. C. W. Shoemaker, however has been constantly engaged various duties connected with the department of birds.

[[underline]]Leaves of absence[[/underline]].
Mr. Marshall has been absent one day, in con-