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sequence of a severe injury to his hand, incapacitating him for work for the time being.  Mr. Shoemaker was absent, with permission of the curator, three days.

[[underline]] Special work accomplished [[/underline]].

During the month the entire reserve collection of smaller Neotropical birds has been rearranged, and the drawers neatly labeled; the arrangement is intended to be permanent.  This collection fills 14 of the quarter-unit cases.  The reserve collection of smaller North American birds has likewise been in great part similarly treated, but the work has been temporarily suspended for want of trays of certain sizes.  Requisition has however been made for the number required, and as soon as these are furnished, the work will be immediately resumed - the health of the curator permitting.

I have the honor to be

Very respectfully your obedient servant
Robert Ridgway
Curator, Department Birds.