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enlarged, with a [[guiding?]] key in realism. The rocks gold & [[?]] are Zosa ent?]]. Some of the flowers timeless, are realistic. This from Koyetan Kom style of flower seems it has originated in realism, gradually adapting itself more and more to [[?]] Zosa. 

The white lilies are realistic transition from Kano, the iris is a step further toward softer Zosa true feeling. 

The low trees gray & brown [[bird?]] is from Kano of Tak[[?]] type

The small autumn flowers & [[rush?]] fence are Zosa decorating and a foreshadowing Solatan's first flowers. 

The raised Kuh on [[?]] are pen line decoration developed from Zosa scenes - the typing of the special Koyetan Kan style.
Here the [[??]] of the parts are [[?]] Kabei [[petals?]] 

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There can be no question that K. designed the whole screens, as a transition in [[lasti?]] of the day - partly antiquarian, a little Kani (many [[?]]) with truest of his own formative style.

In the [[?]] great screen, on [[?]] [[?]][[?]] from soft Zosa developed style - (Even with flowers of the Shikish set we see the link ferns & poppies soft Koychurk, yet rather realist than Zosaist - 

2 pair of big gold [[?]] 6 panel
In this we have the good [[Magnolia?]] developed of the Koyetan [[conflated?]] [[?]]. Surely so in all the far[?]] [[?]] one on the right screen. None is one that has seemed Kanoist [[?]] flowers. The spacing here is [[?]] large

Here [[?]] good is gold of 2 colors, grays & lemon. also gold stained with brush, also silver leaf
silver partially de[[?]] dulled.