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2 panel screen
opaque flowers
rock & [[??]] night, [[?]]
which Kuhn, slightly raised
This is the opaque method of 
Koycha - probably earlier - not
yet influenced by Solatan-
yet in the [[strong??]] thru 5 senses
transp[[?]] interplay/ cut down from 6 panel scn

[[line across sheet]]

Kenjan 2 panel cut from 
six panel.
as a single panel from same
(3 in all
Screen of red [[amplifies??]]
lights in snow, [[?]] afar
a great willow. The willow gl[[?]]
is on the single panel. [[banko?]] grass
leaves are near the Mts. Willoss of
the [[?? ??]] with the [[??]]
green of small long plants below. 

[[end of page]]
[[start of page]]

This is probably pretty late - tho not as
late as St[[??]].


Kenjan, 4 panel
splendid sequence, beg story
from [[surprise to Slartes??]]

The silver sheath gr[[?]] looks like a 
great stem, but probably isn't - Flowers
seem to be camellias, red & green 
1 willowish spray comes out, with yellow flowers 
(num 3) like yellow peach.


Komi 2  fine panels
Mt Kilo on gold
looking fine - this lighter
blue wash in Connected streaks - 
Kilo red, white, & pink - leaves all[[?]]
look worked out in [[?[ Solatrian trans.
paint styles. . perhaps a little earlier
trans than Nagganon plus less Korinito
little feeling. Aiming to be more lineless, 
like Solatan. 
total effect very rich
finer than 4 saw there before.