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tall Kahn
pyramidal like F [[?]]
more [[?]] of naturalistic leaf- 
drawing, tho full transparent.


ten Kah
pyramidal red & white poppies.
Most s[[?]] leaf building of the transparent [[order?]] Full [[?]] memory such as we find in best Koni, but better
both later style, may be reaction of Koni or Solatan in poppy
final mannered line of flower grouping line & [[?]], in the sa[[?]]

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Solatan - 
tall Koh

Much worked white K[[?]]
no color left in leaves
transparent, late flower style, ordinary.
tall Kak
hollyhock sprig
 Gray tones
transparent leaves. No outline of leaves.
shape of leaves rough - splotchy
like Kuyan - late for Koni
naturalistic in splotchiness
far inferior in line stem  leaf
building to the Solatan poppy - or both