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small [[?]] Kah  with 
drawings, 2 [[?]] pair with [[?]] with sprays of plum, & [[pine?]]
In Konis final crisp line style 
no an[[?]] [[seems?]] genuine
not important design, but fine S
type of execution


Koni, small Kah
with Kanoish
Fuji, & end of Matsut[[?]] [[?]]
rough crisp fine
c[[?]] [[?]] date.

Kenjan Kah
small, [[?]] Kanist
smaller over rough [[?]]
not [[?]], probably late.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Kenjan Kah
2 pairs Mt. opaque
green & [[?]], pines & snow
rough, fine, later - [[potteryish?]]

Kenjan tall Kah
other style gr[[?]]
large blue & white Kiku
opaque stiff stem in style of Kan [[Zakanto?]] - signed 78 - 
nothing of Kori Me[[?]] much
Chinese than early Koyetan.
Color [[?]] [[? ?]] can seem almost too amateurish like Keja
Mr F. likes it.