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Keijan Kah
Similar tall, [[?]] panel
[[?]] & sumach in snow
little [[?]] - rough 79,
not well spaced


Keiyan [[Kaks?]]
wide, [[?]] small from [[back in snow??]] - 
best one. This has the full finish | [[pictorial? fictional?]] [[?]], not [[?]] [[pretty?]] [[rough?]] reflection. As fine in [[?]]] feeling & colors as final Koru. Splendid signature - [[?]] by writing [[?]] later period - by ptg [[?]] [[?]] early. 


71 pieces in school in all

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Low 3 [[?]] together
Keya fin - [[?]]
Soleta Jeffry - [[?]]
Koru small [[?]] - lagr[[?]]


Hoitsin Ching. chopping - da[[?]]
good - [?]]

Hoitsin fair Kenj
autumn flowers & [trees?]]
tea plant - show [[cover?]]
thin, tinny - 

Koyetsu, 5 small pieces
Manuta thinks these book covers.
These belong to the gold [[?]] style of the [[anphilos??]] scenes. Konu[[?]]
1 pale cream gold - with birds flying on the way
1 brown ground - white bird over orange [[?]]