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Mr Freer then showed me a large Persian [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]][[insertion]][[??]][[/insertion]] jar of 7th century (?) It is a light greenish (yellowish greenish) solid glaze, slightly crackled. - Some call this afar older. Mr Freer thinks 7C. Some specimens dug up at [[Foslat?]] are older. Some said to be dated. 
Fouquet by [[loos?]] of pieces of Celadon, Persian, Syrian, [[Ar?in]] fragments. He doesn't call it Celadon but Mr Freer thinks it the question of Celadon. 

Fostat is old Cairo. Persian fragments were found, & Egyptian decorations
Fostat - may begin at time of Alexander.
Fostat [[??]] from 13th C
Fostat probably from 7th to 12th C.
Persian by more glaze effect their Egyptian pottery up the Nile

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Mr Freer's theory of presence of white in Persia, was that, in making pottery lamps, they needed translucent white material - so they studied till they got it. Not much remaining, they used it as they used glass later.

Saw here a piece of Fostat pottery of 11th C. Green rough glaze much more green and warm than even the ribbed Persian greenish jar. Corean greens are colder, thick, & grayer still.

This Mohammedan Egyptian glaze is very different from old Egyptian [[?]] opaque glaze. bit like the Pesian.

Compare with old lg Babylon Persian handled jar, [[??]] [[?]] warm rich, rather yellowish green glaze No. 32 of Freer Coll. 
Might be Persian of Samaria, as old Babylonian, can't tell yet.