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saw early Budd. ptg
20. In the little Mokuan (?) 
[[trade?]] Kuanon, the only color is in the light flesh Mokkeiish - 

21 "Old Chinese"
[[?? ??]] people [[?]] trees with green leaves
Might be either the Shurki Chicago [[?]] type, as the early Sung. It seems to me too fine for the later. I am inclined to call it either Kosen, Joki or Chosho. The opaque greens have here somewhat masked. Nothing can surface the [[?]] of the flowers
opa1ue color at back - 
lovely balance of the leaf opaques great line complicated design

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22 small Rioleai - 
same quality as the Risoda album of small Chinese inks
[[?]], [[?? ??]], and by w[[?]] Monkey. ink. org. outline from old days knows Riokai


2 large Karp - with most brilliant colors Rakai, about 50 in each a [[convocation?]], or union of many [[convocations?]] - some flying though on. 
brilliant flesh tones - reds, blues, greens, purples, pink etc. rock & tree details c[[?]] but having a reminiscence of antique drawing. 
lines feeling, and composition much in[[?]] from the Rinan[[?]] school Rokai.
The bright coloring seems as if some Mongolian, Kin, spirit were here  - the [[?]] of the barbaric of earlier [[?]] Tan design. Even like Corean