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^[[Sold to [[underlined)]]Mrs. Holt[[/underlined)]] ]] No.19. Buffalo Driver's Life, painted on silk by Ku Ta Chung of the Sung dynasty. ^[[L]] [[strikethrough]]h[[strikethorugh]]. 73.1" in. w. 39.6" in. [[short line]] Ku Ta Chung a native of the Kiangnan province, was skilled in painting human figures and flowers and bamboos, especially excelled in painting horses and other animal life. This depicts a tall willow tree with boughs blown by the breezes;below there is fine rich grassy lawn and a cow in running posture and two cows & a calf grazing on the pastures. In the group three cow boys were sitting against the trees, one riding on the cow back wading through the lake andc followed by another cow. In the distant there is an immense [[strikethrough]] xxxxxx [[/strikethrough]] stretch of [[strikethrough]]slop-[[/strikethrough]] sloping plain which gives one a vivid view of cow-boy life in China. There is the execellen[[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]t addition of Lee Tong Yang's verse admiring the picture as well as the prime minister's seal of the dynasty.