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^[[Sold to Mrs [[Meyer.?]] ]] ^[[Taken by Agnes]] No. 20 An Hermit, painted on silk by Soo Hsien Tsu of the Sung dynasty ^[[L]] [[strikethrough]]h.[[/strikethrough]] 60" in. w. 37.4' in. [[short line]] Soo Hsien Tsu of the Kia Ting period of the Sung dynasty, a probationer of the Imperial Art Academy. In painting landscapes h he followed in the process used by Ma Yuan. This depicts an hermit sitting in the centre of a cottage; on the banks of the streams, fishing nets were spread and opposite there ^[[are]] [[strikethrough]]is[[/strikethrough]] the mountain water falls. In the distance, there are shown cloudsin great volume. The whole work was painted in the black and white finish. It gives one an elevating atmosphere when one sees the picture.